
BREAKING: Chelsea-fans tildelt karantæne efter racistiske tilråb

Af Jeppe Augustsen
10.12.2018 Kl. 17:26
Chelsea har netop meddelt, at man har uddelt karantæner til fire fans efter kampen mod Manchester City.

Chelsea vandt i weekenden 2-0 hjemme over Manchester City, men sejren har ikke været det store samtaleemne efter kampen.

Det har i stedet en episode, hvor Raheem Sterling er ude ved banden og hente bolden, og her bliver han mødt af racistiske tilråb fra flere Chelsea-fans.

Nu oplyser Chelsea, at man har uddelt karantæne til fire personer, som derfor ikke længere kan komme på stadion og se Chelsea spille.

– Chelsea Football Club har uddelt karantæner til fire personer til alle Chelsea-kampe. Vores efterforskning er stadig i gang, og vi støtter politiets arbejde, og derfor vi alle de informationer, vi samler ind, blive videregivet til dem, meddeler klubben.


Vis dette opslag på Instagram

Good morning I just want to say , I am not normally the person to talk a lot but when I think I need my point to heard I will speak up. Regarding what was said at the Chelsea game as you can see by my reaction I just had to laugh because I don’t expect no better. For example you have two young players starting out there careers both play for the same team, both have done the right thing. Which is buy a new house for there mothers who have put in a lot of time and love into helping them get where they are, but look how the news papers get there message across for the young black player and then for the young white payer. I think this in unacceptable both innocent have not done a thing wrong but just by the way it has been worded. This young black kid is looked at in a bad light. Which helps fuel racism an aggressive behaviour, so for all the news papers that don’t understand why people are racist in this day and age all i have to say is have a second thought about fair publicity an give all players an equal chance.

Et opslag delt af Raheem Sterling x (@sterling7) den
